


The rhythm of the Earth

Attune yourself to the rhythm of Mother Earth. As you do that, you can start hearing her heartbeat. It is very strong and present in all waters of the world.

That is one reason as to why water is so important.

Drink water, bathe in water, gaze over the water and feel your soul being attuned. Always give thanks for each of these processes.

Never doubt water and its potency. As you become more aware of this aspect, it is also reinforced. All beings are aware of this to different degrees. Of course, the grand old masters of this planet are the dolphins. They live in water all their lives.


In transition

The whole planet is in transition from one state to another. From a state of dominance to a state of harmony. Many people feel this state, even though they have different names for it.

This transition creates a lot of reactions in a large spectrum. Most people do not know what they are reacting to and get very confused. This can then create violence. Others tune in to the new state and develops a state of harmony. You are still in the beginning of this process, which means that it creates more disharmony than harmony. This is about to change as the harmonious note will grow stronger and stronger. Do not let yourself be discouraged by the disharmony, but look for the harmony and be grateful for that it is there. This state of gratitude strengthens the new harmony that is arising and gives power to it.

It is the most beautiful of processes that you are witnessing. We are with

you every step you take, one breath after the other



Listen to your heart

Always make your decisions from your heart. At times it is more challenging, but the quality of your decisions becomes so much better. Especially in the long run, heart-based decisions are so much better. Search in your heart what to do. The more you practice this, the quicker the process becomes.

It is like training a muscle. At first it may be weak and slow, but with practice it gets strong and quick.

We are with you all the way.



The dawn of change

So much is going on on planet Earth right now, you can hardly imagine. The changes that are taking place now will have implications for years to come. These changes are not useful on a surface level, but are taking place within people’s hearts. Every day, millions of hearts are being opened up and being freed. This opening up is infectious and one open heart leads to another. Some people really enjoy this process and are very happy about it, whereas others are scared. From a spiritual plane, we do our best to support this process. In a few years time this process will also be "out" in the open and be discussed in different ways.

As you may realize, this is the true salvation of the human race.

This salvation does not require a Saviour in your understanding of the word, but is a process from the inside. You have just begun understanding what your hearts are capable of. What you. perceive in these days to be an "open heart" will incorporate so much more in a few decades.

It is then inevitable that there will be a totally different world emerging. A world which you, the lightworkers are laying the groundwork for now.

We are very grateful for the channels that open up for our teachings and help bring in more light and love to the world.